
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Seth : 2016

Seth is an amazing, independent young man from Zeeland West, and about to graduate this coming spring.  He may be among the last of my Senior photography, but I was thrilled to get to know him and see his favorite location to hang out.... I better not give away too much info, or his favorite place will soon be yours too!  It became one of mine in the 20 minutes we were there... we got our cardio workout while climbing a dune to get there, but the view!?! Amazing.... No, Breath-taking.... Overlooking Lake Michigan on a beautiful fall afternoon, with perfect fall weather, and the colors.... wowza.  Of course, the first shot he wanted was him climbing a dead tree over a huge dune cliff.... I was nervous enough for the both of us, but it made for a pretty wicked shot.... Well, enjoy a few teasers of Seth.  He's bringing a good future to west Michigan :)  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!