
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Aaron : 4 years old!

My goodness... this kid.... he's amazing!  He is probably the easiest, happy child I have had the pleasure to photograph.  I've had him every year for his birthday since he was born, and each year he could win the award for 'session-gone-amazingly-well'.  He is truly a joy.  It's so much fun, because with many kids... well, all kids.... I really just hope and pray I get a good shot of them looking AND smiling at the same time.... that, and that it's in focus, with proper exposure, and great bokeh. 
 (bo-ka... the blurry background is called bokeh)  But with this kiddo, I could actually practice the art of PHOTOGRAPHY!   It's a bunch of boring mumble jumble if I described it, but basically, I can photograph him like a mature adult, who needs to wait for me to set things up, get settings perfect, and try again and again until I get the shot and expression I hoped for... Ahhhh.... if only mine were as patient as this little guy! LOL!  Happy Birthday Aaron!!!  I'm guessing I won't see him much more as he gets to school age here and will have his annual photos done during the school year, but it's been a wonderful 4 years of this smiling face.  Thanks guys for lending out your little guy for a great session!!!!!  :)

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!