
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ridge Point Father Daughter Dance 2016

What a blast!  Daddy's and Daughters investing in time valuing each other.... I'm not sure how many years I've photographed this event, but it's probably year 5 or 6, and it's always such a great experience!  This year, I had a young assistant help out... (Thanks Megan!) It's always a rush to get as many couples photographed in 1 short hour... I'm always amazed how God can either stretch time, or make me shoot faster.... (Hey, He did make the sun stand still once, so this certainly isn't outside His limits!)  I think we were able to do just over 100 couples in that hour.... that's like 30 seconds a couple!    Check out all the photos and download to print them HERE!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!