
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wacky Williams : Romance ain't dead

There's been a big debate between my husband and I, as to if this is appropriate for a Wacky Williams post.  I guess I won, cause here it is, and he let me shoot it :)  

My argument was, most of our culture prides itself into showing off intimacy, but most of it is outside of God's plan for it to remain inside a marriage relationship only.  I figure, why not pridefully show it within God's design of marriage?   

I remember a sermon series on Sex by a great pastor of our church, and he (while discussing Sex in your marriage as your children get older) said, 'You think it's tough to fit sex into your schedule when your children are young?  Just remember, when they get older, they know what you're doing in there!'  I had to laugh, because with us in the small children stage, it's a useful argument, but yeah, I guess with older children, there will always be distractions and excuses. LOL!  I'm happy to have a relationship with my hubby, that our kids can see that their daddy and mommy are in love and even as we age and life burdens us, that we can have light spirits, and smile and laugh.  

David had wanted this 'spy post' to have us wrapping Christmas presents or something... so I guess there's lots of fun we could have made up with our trio of spies :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!