
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Elaina : Miracle

Little Elaina is the first little girl for our friends from our church life-group, and she is just PERFECT!   I got to photograph this little princess a little later then most babies, since life just gets in our way sometimes, and time flies after people settle in with their new baby.  So, Elaina is 3-4 weeks old for her session, and not so much into the drowsy baby shots like I normally do, but hey, is there ever a time NOT to document your children?!?!  So, enjoy a few teasers of Evan, Oliver, and Elaina and Family!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wacky Williams : Mirror Mirror, on the wall....

Yup.... I've had days like that Lex.  Watch out for that reflection.   

Wacky Williams are a true passion lately, most days, I got nothing.... Other days, like this one, we nailed out 6 Wacky Williams shots after school and it inspired several more that I'm just itching to do!  My kids only last for a little bit, and I can only stand to bribe them with candy oh-so-much, before the sugar takes over and I've lost them completely.  If you've been enjoying Wacky Williams, comment or share any of your favorites!  Just tag Awakened Images, (@awakenedimages) or #wackywilliams  :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Emery : 1 year!

 Happy Birthday Emery!  This set of sisters came for Emery's 1 year photo session and rocked it!   Big sister Hailey was a little model in training, and enjoyed being in front of the camera.  She loves her baby sis sooooooo much!!!!  What cuties!  Hailey totally is a little image of her momma, and Emery looks sooooo much like her daddy!   In a few of the images, Emery is wearing a unique red headband.... It's story just melts my heart!  These girls lost their grandpa a few years back, and that headband is made from one of his ties.... I'm sure Emery will cherish that piece of her family history forever!  Enjoy a few teasers of Emery, with sister Hailey for the win! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wacky Williams : DELETE

The most used button on my camera, (other than the shutter) is the delete button!  I'm terrible at accidental shots, blurry, photos shot in haste, wrong exposure, and the list goes on and on!  I believe I've clocked over 150,000 shots on this camera since I got it in 2013, and I bet 100,000 were deleted!  Well, I have no way to know for sure... it's just a guess.  Some day, I hope I know enough about my camera, settings, and poses, to shoot a session that's all keepers!  2017-2018 goals, I guess... no point rushing these things.... My shutter will give out before then anyway! :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Neutral density filter testing

So, I celebrated my 3rd, 30th birthday this past week.... and besides the pampering and spoiling I received from my family, David bought me my first neutral density filter.  I'm so excited to start working with some new and different gear to 1-Up my game again this year with photography  This filter darkens the lens to 10-stops underexposed so I can shoot very shallow depth of fields with flash in very bright conditions!  I'm so pumped to put this to Wacky Williams practice before I put in into my normal senior session this summer.  It's going to really be a fun summer of photography!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Phillips : Family Love

Here's another family that's dear to my heart.  I graduated with these two and grew up with them.  They are amazing people, and now, amazing parents of 3 kiddos!  Where does time run off to?!  Kyper, Anja, and Cora came for a studio session and it was great to meet them.  I think their middle kiddo was only a few months old the last time I saw them, at our favorite vacation spot, we all call "paradise"  Since then, Joel (their dad) has been in school to be a doctor!  Yes, a brilliant something-something-Neurologist-something-something that was really big words...  I'm so proud of him and his family to support him through that while moving like 11 times and having 3 kids away from the support of family.  Wow.  I couldn't do it.  Congrats on finishing school this summer and to your beautiful family!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wacky Williams : Punk rockstars

When mommy gets a new fog machine.....
I need my little punk rockstar group to make an image! 
So, this is done with my fog machine, 2 Speedlites (with a blue gel), 1 Paul C. Buff, and 1 SP studio systems light.... I'm so thrilled with how this turned out... I've been trying to get this 'album look' for some time now, and feel like I'm getting closer... my kids probably wished I had it down already so they could quit posing... :) 

 David & Cara Williams 
check us out on facebook!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Preston : 1 year!

 This little guy is 1 tomorrow!  What a happy, fun little guy!  Preston has 7 teeth, and decided to learn to walk before his photoshoot.... probably just so I'd have to chase him around :)  We had a blast incorporating his toy Audi with a birthday cake and to show how much he's grown.  Happy Birthday little guy!  Enjoy a few teasers!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wacky Williams : Guitar Hero

Every now and then, I get in a creative Crunch, and no ideas come.  So, my husband suggested I try to buy some Photoshop actions to re-kindle my love for photo art.  I had found these actions on Pinterest, but of course they had a cost, so I didn't buy them.... (I'm Dutch, so that explains that.)  After looking at how much it would cost for about 11 actions, my husband said it was quite worth it to have something fun to inspire me.  So, a photoshoot with his guitar and $60 of actions later, and here was a re-kindled love for photo art.  David has been itching to make this his Facebook profile so he told me to shift the Wacky Williams post for this week back so I could show this.... Now he can use it :)   Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!