
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Phillips : Family Love

Here's another family that's dear to my heart.  I graduated with these two and grew up with them.  They are amazing people, and now, amazing parents of 3 kiddos!  Where does time run off to?!  Kyper, Anja, and Cora came for a studio session and it was great to meet them.  I think their middle kiddo was only a few months old the last time I saw them, at our favorite vacation spot, we all call "paradise"  Since then, Joel (their dad) has been in school to be a doctor!  Yes, a brilliant something-something-Neurologist-something-something that was really big words...  I'm so proud of him and his family to support him through that while moving like 11 times and having 3 kids away from the support of family.  Wow.  I couldn't do it.  Congrats on finishing school this summer and to your beautiful family!