
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mike & Heather : 8.13.2016

Mike & Heather were married in West Chester, Pennsylvania on August 13, 2016.   I'm not gonna lie, or exaggerate.... it was HOT.  On my iPhone app for weather, they literally just put a picture of a desert cactus for the temperature of the day.  The humidity was unbelievable, but, the day couldn't have been more amazing for Mike and Heather!  Heather is David's cousin, so now, mine too :)  She is the first grand daughter in the William's grand children to be married.  We made a little vacation out of the trip.  It was a 12 hour drive each way, and we had a blast the whole time!  The kids did really well, and the hotel we stayed at had a wonderful pool (that was sadly HEATED) LOL!  We attended the wedding rehearsal the day before, to scout out photo locations, and sun direction.  Their wedding was held on their property, with a tent.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  Their yard was PERFECTLY groomed... I may or may not have drooled over their lush garden... and the decorations were to die for!  It was perfectly simple, perfectly natural, perfectly elegant, and perfectly HEATHER.  We waited out a thunderstorm to start the rehearsal, and made it through with some of their friends watching our children in the house.  The wedding day came the next day with accurately forecasted heat.  David and I both photographed the day and all the many joys it brought.  Heather and Mike were so chill about the day, and made it totally fun for everyone!  We were able to see family that we haven't seen in a few years, and enjoy parts of the wedding day as guests too.  (I'll post another blog post of our part of the visit)  :)  Enjoy Mike and Heather's wedding day teasers!