
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bouma : Family Love

Ok, so this is not fair.... 5 beautiful kids that all were PERFECT for their photo session!  Yeah,.... I have to photoshop my 3 kids from 3 different photos, and this family had all eyes and smiles, with no hesitation!  Wow.  Well, some background on how I get to know such awesome people.... Denny and David know each other through our church band.  Denny leads and sings the worship there, and David was just starting in the band, when he casually mentioned that we had been flipping a house last winter... After some talking, Denny mentioned he did carpet for years before, and still had the tools if we needed someone to lay carpet.  LONG story a little less long.... Denny laid carpet in our flip house while we eagerly watched to try to learn a few tips, and David offered him a photo shoot for his family for his services.  SO, here they are.   And they couldn't be any cuter!   The family that offered their help to our flip house project.  Holding nothing back, they are all amazing servants for God's will, and kind hearts in our church.  I'm honored to know them... all of them, now by name :)   Thanks guys!  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!