
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Wacky Williams : Cadence is 5

My BABY is 5!  This cutie pie is as tom boy as they get.  She loves ninjas, batman, Hermione Granger, kitties, her stuffed dog "puppy chow", Jesus, and picking fights with her brothers.  She cracks us up, and can make our blood boil.  She is not what I expected a baby girl to be like, but MUCH better! She likes to be called "Cadence" not "Cade".  She will do about anything for a piece of candy, and seems to hate actual meals... (Snacks are becoming scarce in our home since we have to remove them to discipline ourselves to eat healthy because of this sweet-tooth-little-sneak)  She is one of many blessings we are so grateful for, and couldn't imagine life without! Happy Birthday, my little tom-boy princess.  If you know my girl, you've probably seen everyone of these faces. LOL!