
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wacky Williams : The Lord of Christmas!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
 from your friends at 
Awakened Images Photography!

Enjoy our Epic Christmas card!  We had some fun making this card.  It's a 'Twilight/Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter" look, with a Lord of the Rings theme.  Although we love the dramatic twist to a good Christmas card, our hearts are only admiring the Christ Child during the Christmas season.  The Lord of Christmas, the Christ, will always be the reason for the season.  So as you Hustle around for those last minute presents, let God soften your hearts to accepting the best gift EVER!  It was given by God, and was a way for us to join him in eternity, through the sacrifice of Jesus. 

 I love thinking about what heaven must have looked like as Jesus left Heaven for his Earthly experience... did they commission him away at the time of the Holy Spirit's conception with Mary, or did he leave heaven at his birth in that lowly stable/cave in Bethlehem? 
 Did the angels send him away, throwing a great party, or was it a time of sadness, as they knew the rejection Jesus was to receive from his beloved children on this earth?

I love "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 NIV.   
God didn't send us the opportunity to enter heaven because we were becoming good people... he didn't ask us to clean up our acts so he could give us a cool gift....  
He sent it to us, while we were cursing him, spitting in his face, and choosing our own lifestyles.   We didn't deserve it, and yet, he gives... and gives.   

Enjoy our family Christmas card!
 Merry Christmas!!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!