
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wacky Williams : Window to Heaven

My family speaks openly of Heaven..... Heaven with Jesus, and John the Baptist, Moses and all the saints who went before us.  It's amazing and so important to instill these truths into our young children, so the world doesn't snatch the greatest hope away from them and blind them with 'theory' when they are older and independent. 
It's so odd to hear people talk about faith sometimes, because we hear things like, 'I believe this....' or 'We believe in.....'  What is hard to understand, is once your eyes have been opened to TRUTH, how can we say 'believe'?  As if I can believe something to be true, but another might believe something else to be true.... Maybe the word 'believe' has been dulled to a fairy tale version of truth.  

I don't use the word 'believe' much anymore.  Why dull down what you know to be true?  I don't say 'I believe'.  I say 'I KNOW', without a doubt that God is everything he says he is, because I've personally met His Son, who confirmed God's existence to me.   He's so amazing.  I wish our world hadn't fallen to Satan's lies about Him.  I can't wait for the promised day when "...every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord". Romans 14:11 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!