
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dutch Life : Little Rebels

Tulip Time : Day 9

Tulip Time is done, and what a week it was.  Beautiful! Because I have a few extra images for this series that I finished, I'm posted them here.  These are my little rebels.  I actually paid them for this series... Adding to their lego kit savings funds.  They are all getting great at acting, and might be able to use that in the future.  When I started the Wacky Williams Series, I had a book full of ideas, and ran through them quickly.... I thought I'd have to end the series, for a lack of more ideas.  I found that was quite the opposite!  The older they get, the more they can do, and the more ideas I get!  I'm not sure how long a series can continue, but I may never get to all the great images I see in my mind. 

Fun Fact : Planning for Tulip Time 2018 will start in about 1 month!  The tulip lanes will be replaced with annual flowers, and all the parks and gardens will be beautified with summer flowers and plants. 
This image is the railing of the DeZwaan windmill with the tulip fields behind them on Windmill Island, and NO, my children did not walk on it!  They didn't even come to the island with me to photograph it. 

Every image in this series was 'Created' not photographed.  Meaning, my kids were safe in the studio for their photos, and backgrounds and props were shot separately and composited in.  I used techniques I learned over several years of photography and photoshop workshops.   I hope you enjoyed this Series.  If you did, Please Share this on Facebook so more people can learn about the Dutch Life and Tulip Time! 

Stay tuned next week for the 'Behind-the-scenes' of the series :) 

"Street Performers" . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!