
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Tim & Elizabeth : 7.1.2017

Tim & Elizabeth
The 10 day forecast kept us anxious, then relaxed, anxious then relaxed, as rain and storms seemed to be unsure of which day they'd come.   When the day finally came, there were all the perfect ingredients for the best weather.... 70's, a breeze, and NO RAIN :)  
Tim and Elizabeth had an 'I-don't-care-about-the-details-I'M-GETTING-MARRIED' attitude, and were not only okay with all our crazy ideas, but were encouraging fun farther than I normally take it.  
 They are spark plugs.... bringing smiles and energy with them, wherever they go.  I believe many there called them goof-balls.... I call them REAL.  Mature without becoming boring.  LOL.  Their wedding was at their church, with the reception in the same building.... actually, the same room.  It was great!  Tim has always been all about puns, so their reception became a punny time of poems, and jokes from the guests.  At the end of the evening, with a sparkler send off, I realized what I really like about weddings.... Obviously, everyone is always looking their best and easy to photograph... But, it's the opportunities to try something new, have fun, and watch two people start their lives together with family in full support.  It's couples like Tim and Elizabeth that forget about the footprint on the dress, the glasses that won't stop naturally dimming, and the wedding party that might have taken a wrong turn while heading to a new park, and just roll with it-with a smile on their faces.  

Congrats Tim and Elizabeth! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!