
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Isaiah : 1 year

This handsome little guy is my cousin's little boy!  It's hard to keep track in a big family, but I think he makes us a family of around 75 people!  We don't get to see each other often, but usually make a point to meet up for the big holiday traditions.   Isaiah is waiting for his little brother, expected the end of October ;)  It's so fun to see my cousins moving into their roles of loving parents, and do a great job to carry on the traditions we've all been raised with.  Little Isaiah sure looks a lot like his daddy, and we are all excited to see who the next little Withee baby will look like!  Thanks guys, for taking your time to meet me in the middle of a new area for some photos!  Enjoy!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!