
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Tulip Time's Almost Here!

Last year, I created this Dutch Series to celebrate my heritage, along with our town's flower festival.   We have three blond hair, blue eyed little dutch kiddos, and wanted to have some fun with the old traditions of Tulip Time.  

Every image here was created.  The children were photographed in the safety of my studio, and the backgrounds were photographed by me the week before the tulip festival.  For a few of the images below, I have included the creating process.

All images shot by me with a Nikon D3s and 24-70mm f2.8





Flour Baggers

My studio was a MESS!  Flour is tough to clean up. 

Stroll through the Tulip Fields

How funny is this!?  They really were NOT on the horse.  I didn't know how my old horse would do with wooden shoes bopping him and flashes going off, so we recreated the pose the hard way.  After I photographed them,  I found I liked the composition of the image in reverse.  I flipped the images to be heading left in the final image.

The first Tulip

Musical Beggars

Story Time

( I couldn't find the actual image of them reading with Aunt Kelly, but this is how it was set up in my studio, and then placed (via Photoshop) onto the Windmill stairs.)

Street Scrubbers

He consented to us throwing real water at his face.... I told him I'd try to photoshop it, but he wanted it real :) 


Wooden Shoe Shopping

Dutch Bakkerij

(yeah, it's actually starbucks muffins, because the Dutch Bakkerij didn't have the set up with a display of goodies I had in mind)  

Check back for the Dutch series 2018 to hit the blog during Tulip Time 2018! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!