
Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Son, Ezekiel Williams

Here's the newest member of the Williams family. He's almost 5 months now, but in these photos, his age ranges from 2 weeks to 4 1/2 months. He's been a tough baby to deal with, extra cranky! We're working through all the tummy problems and the tantrums, but his curiosity amazes us each day. It's so great to see him get thrilled over a balloon, or flashing light. He stares and you can see his little mind thinking, "what is that, and why does it do that"... Now he is really squealing, and talking to himself during car rides, and we can laugh together and have some fun. Now he is almost sitting up on his own, and is making a poor attempt at crawling ;) Someday....

Our Sunday at the beach at the Koops' cottage.

May 20, 2008 He discovered his tongue today... we all laughed!

May 17, 2008 Ezekiel loves the outdoors, and to see himself in the mirror! Cutie Pie