
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brayden Smith: 18 Months

Here is my best friends little boy, Brayden. He is just 18 months and kept us all on our toes during his shoot. He can run, stomp, sign language, and speak one word sentences :) We gave him a cookie as a bribe, and it totally worked! He was all laughs and giggles after that. Zeke and Brayden are now about the same size in height, but we can tell Brayden is more mature by the confidence in his dancing and stomping around, where Zeke is still cautious. Thanks Steph and Brayden! Here's a few of my favorites from the babies gone wild shoot :) . David & Cara Williams .

Ezekiel Williams : 13 Months

Here he is, still growing like a weed! Zeke is actually closer to 14 months old, but we are finally posting his 13 month photo shoot. Here are some cute ones!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jake & Kate: Engagement

Our first shoot on Saturday was for Jake and Kate's engagement. We were all hoping for some outdoor photos until the nasty snow blizzard, so we still had fun in the studio. Creativity was limited to what can be done in our 10'x20' porch studio, but we still got a portfolio image using the abundance of window light. This first image is my all time favorite for engagements. Kate's eyes and hair are absolutely gorgeous!!! You'll see Jake and Kate have a fun personality in the following photos, always joking around! :) We look forward to their wedding this June! (when blizzards don't exsist!) Thanks for making it on that nasty day! See more images on the website soon :) . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kristin Baron: Senior Rep.

Here is Kristin, from Holland Christian. You may recognize her from a previous post about the MIFA team. After a very busy season with theatre, we finally got her a photo shoot! She was great! She allowed for the great outdoors to help her with the background :) Here are a few of my favorites! Thanks so much Kristin! You did great!!!! The rest will be on the website soon. . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nicki Webber : Senior Rep.

Whew.... Saturday was a totally fun but VERY busy day! I guess this is what it could be like someday... Shoot after shoot after shoot! I'm only going to post one today, so they each get their glory time as the top post on the blog :) First up to be posted was our second shoot of the day. Now, first, you need to know about the weather that day. Blizzard. We really wanted to go outside for a couple of the shoots, but it was increasingly awful weather all day long. Here is Nicole Webber, a rep for us from Zeeland Public. She was a blast!!! I knew her a little as I grew up, and we went to the same church, but I didn't know how much fun she could be!!! She made our jobs super fun and totally easy! And, she wanted outdoors photos, but didn't think we'd be up for it! So thanks to Nicki, we got some one-of-a-kind photos for her! Thanks Nicki! There will be more on the website soon! . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

100th post! And MIFA Earns it!!!!

Well, believe it or not, this is my 100th post on this blog! And a great post it is! This is Holland Christian's MIFA performance of "Noises Off". It was great! Funny, fast paced, and Awesome! My little sister was in the Crew and kept busy over the last 2 months with helping backstage, and designed the MIFA logos and created the Advertisement for the production. After winning regionals, (YEAAAAAAAA!!!!) They went on to State and finished Runner up!!! Great job kids!!!!!! Here are some photos from the MIFA benefit production at Holland Christian High! More will be on my Facebook, so be my friend!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hayley Green: Photo Rep Shoot

This is Hayley, from Grand Haven High School. She is the daughter of one of my farrier clients, and we arranged for her to be a representative for us. Hayley has some of the coolest ice blue eyes I've ever seen. She was a great sport about our studio being a bit chilly! :) Here are a few of my favorites from her shoot. Thanks Hayley!! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rusticus: Wedding

Rachel and Nate were married Febuary 7, 2009. Their wedding was a beautiful, emotional ceremony. Rachel did a great job co-ordinating the colors throughout the whole ceremony! They are such a beautiful couple! We were able to meet with them a few months ago when they chose us to capture their day, and right away we had some laughs. We learned instantly that they are some of the most selfless couples we have meet... Always putting God, one-another, and others before themselves. We were only with them for a short portion of their big day, but we still captured some beautiful shots. Here are a few from their private session. Congratulations Rachel and Nate! Thanks for inviting us to share your big day! . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

Zeke, Tootsie, Bella and myself when to play outside for a little bit. It was about 28 degrees, and the snow had just fallen. Bells was full of jumping energy and Zeke loved the snow!

This is the jumping energy!
Blue Skies! For all of you non-Michiganders, you are probably like, "duh.... boring" But here, we recieved 47 minutes of sun in the whole month of December, so blue skies and sunlight are not to be taken for granted! They are a wonderful gift after all the dull overcast skies of Michigan Winter.
Tootsie with her whiskers all snow-covered. This is Lake Michigan. It was completely frozen over and people were out walking on the ice near the end of the pier. Too cold and scary for me to try, but amazing none the less. The sunset peeked through for about 5 minutes, just for it to set. It made the colors just gorgeous and vibrant!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fun with close ups

Here are a bunch of close ups around my house, just practicing my macro photography with my Nikkor 105mm 2.8 lens. See if you can identify some of the things around my house! :) . David & Cara Williams .