
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

Zeke, Tootsie, Bella and myself when to play outside for a little bit. It was about 28 degrees, and the snow had just fallen. Bells was full of jumping energy and Zeke loved the snow!

This is the jumping energy!
Blue Skies! For all of you non-Michiganders, you are probably like, "duh.... boring" But here, we recieved 47 minutes of sun in the whole month of December, so blue skies and sunlight are not to be taken for granted! They are a wonderful gift after all the dull overcast skies of Michigan Winter.
Tootsie with her whiskers all snow-covered. This is Lake Michigan. It was completely frozen over and people were out walking on the ice near the end of the pier. Too cold and scary for me to try, but amazing none the less. The sunset peeked through for about 5 minutes, just for it to set. It made the colors just gorgeous and vibrant!