
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunny Calfornia... Err, Cloudy California

Yesterday morning at 3:30am Cara, Zeke and I, (David) woke up early to jumpstart our Vacation to California. Cara has done such a great job planning everything for this vacation for the last 3 or 4 months and we are finally starting to see the fruits of the labor. We left early Monday morning chauffered by my awesome mother-in-law Chris. The only thing that managed to go wrong was that I accidentally man-handled her Audi while loading up our luggage and managed to RIP her spoiler OFF of the trunk! I swear I didn't mean to do it! Luckily though when I walked into the house with the spoiler in hand to show her she just laughed at the situation and told me not to worry about it. What an awesome mother-in-law!

The rest of the morning went blissfully well. We were expecting Zeke to be incredibly difficult for the plane flights, he was anything but that! He was intrigued and cute the entire time. As we were preparing for our first take-off I pondered over all of the possible outcomes of the flight. A screaming baby, squirming around in our laps eager to run around on the plane or so excited that he would just be jumping up and down on our laps and bumping into all of those around us, or so scared that he would be screaming and crying... well, as the plane just starting to take off I looked over to see him falling into a deep sleep in mommy's lap! He didn't make a sound the entire trip and just as we land and come to a full stop he slowly opens his eyes with a small smile. Cara and I ended the flight saying "that was way too easy". He was sooooo cool the entire trip. Here are some photos of him in Minneapolis during our layover.

Here Zeke is pointing at ALL of the airplanes in the airport... He LOVES airplanes!

The photo below shows what all of the airplanes looked like in Minneapolis, covered in snow and in need of de-icing before take off. The de-icing delayed us by about an hour! But before we get too upset about that we need to remember the words of the comedian Louis C.K. "...and what happened then, did you FLY THROUGH THE SKY!..." haha! If you haven't seen this video yet you have to check it out at this link... .

Here is Zeke, Cara and Cuddles at the airport.

Here are some photos of our R.V. that we rented. We are going to be living in this thing for about 2 weeks now. It is perfect! We love it! In Cara's words it is "small, cute and perfect."

As you can see Zeke loves driving the R.V. "just like daddy".

Once we got to our R.V. resort OrangePark we realized how many activites that they have at one of these. This park was rated the "National R.V. Park of the Year 2007". It is an awesome place, they have orange trees surrounding every parking spot, pool table in a private room, heated swimming pool, jacuzzi, a cute little market, a golf "putting" range... this place has a lot! There is just too much to list and too much to photograph, including Zeke's favorite... the playground.

David & Cara Williams .