
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for biscuits :)

My little boys have had awful colds these last couple of weeks and so they've had lots of baths and meds..... I debated about whether or not to post this picture, because when they are teens, they will murder me for it :) It's just tooooo cute. I'm thankful for sooooooo much this year.
This list doesn't even touch on my 'master list' of things to give thanks for, but here are some of the big highlights this year.
A healthy baby,
a new house,
awesome progress with our photography knowledge,
a brother-in-law who joined the family,
Bible Study Fellowship and the study of Isaiah,
and for the 2 little biscuits pictured below.
They both watched the tubby fill up and were excited for their splash time.... :) Gotta love 'em. . David & Cara Williams .