
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jessica : Senior

Jess was a rep for us this past year, and now it was finally her turn for her senior photo session. We got to revisit with her horse, 'Mister', and couldn't have had a more perfect night for photography! Mister was great, and gave us his 'vogue' look too ;) LOL! It was soooo much fun, and Jess is such a tom-boy, it was fun seeing the 'cowgirl glam' she could bring to spice up her favorite comfy shirts! We had the most glorious golden sunlight for the whole session..... I'm just sorry to have so many favorites of her not smiling, but can you blame me!? Look at this 'model look' she can do anytime on que. I'm sooooo jealous! A beautiful girl + a beautiful night = beautiful collection :)
Thanks Jess! (and Mister!)