
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just Waiting : Cadence

So, I've had down to do a small maternity session for this little one we are expecting in 4-5 weeks, and it just keeps getting pushed off... well, I finally got it done.... I had 2 visions for the session....I wanted my little boys in it, and I wanted it to be very short. :) Well, because I had the boys in it, short was the only way it could go :) Zeke is almost 4 years old already (WOW how the time flew!!!) and Lex is 19 months old.... Here are some fun ones from our session that lasted.... oh, about 3 minutes. LOL!
David wished he could have been in some, but we couldn't really trust Zeke with the big camera... plus, he didn't want to put down the kitty to hold the camera... oh well... that's life where we are at :)
Gotta LOVE it! Enjoy!

 . David & Cara Williams .