
Monday, June 25, 2012

DeVisser : Family Love

My family decided it's time to get another family photo... it's really only been a year since our last one, BUT we added Bob Molenhouse and our little Cadence to the family in that time.  Here is my family, whom I love and adore.  My sisters are all the prettiest girls I know, and the 'co-bros' (our hubby's) are amazing.... victims of the Devisser girls, but still wonderful men who love and honor each of us.  Thanks guys for your patience and cooperation with 3 little ones, and thank you RYAN, for being the camera man for this session!  You've got a future with our family with that kind of talent :)  LOL!

 Our amazing camera operator and my beautiful sister....

 Another gorgeous couple!  We want some nieces or nephews with dimples..... better work on that :)
 the co-bro's
 The original 4 Devisser girls... we look so innocent, but behind our innocence is a trapped man, trained and wrapped around our fingers :)
 The newly-weds!  Mwah!
 Dave snapped this of me, and said he'd be super mad if I deleted it... so now it's here, just incase it disappears from my computer :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!