
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Anna : Part II

So, here is part 2 of Anna's senior session.  They selected the Holland State park for Sunset and as I drive in, I see the potential for NO SUNSET.... storm clouds settle in after a completely sunny day.  My radar shows a passing storm, but it still looks a little disappointing.  As we get shooting, (which was easy now with the overcast skies) we make it to the water front just in time for a BEAUTIFUL peak through of the sun as it's setting.  It made the sky, and colors just glorious!  LOVED IT!  And once again, Anna was perfect to work with... she kept up with me the whole time, as I'm shouting out poses from the beach to the pier, and as we had to wait for the pier to clear for our shots.  Her friends pass by, and Anna stayed in the game.  Wow.  Thanks so much for the opportunity to get to know you a little more. Hope you get a chance to see your photos after a great mission project in Africa!  Have a great summer! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!