
Monday, September 10, 2012

Bourke : Celebration

My good friend Kevin was married in July in Las Vegas.  His family celebrated with a 'formal' reception in Holland over the Labor Day weekend and we were invited (with our kids) to come and enjoy the celebration and be the photographers!  Super fun!  It's awesome to see Kevin so happy with an amazing girl, Kristina.  They are a match made in Heaven, and I can't wait to see how their relationship with continue to strengthen as time goes by.  Kev, I'm so happy for you, and am thankful for your friendship through the tough teen years.  You were more helpful then you know, and I thank God for you and your kindness.  Kristina, you've found an amazing man who will treat you like a jewel.  God Bless you both!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!