
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Casey : Senior Rep 2014!

 I'm starting my 'rep' program a little early this year.  Instead of gathering our reps for shots in the spring, when EVERYTHING is muddy and dead, we are trying fall.  Now, this will be fun because they are really only beginning Juniors in High School, but seeing their changes into beautiful young people will be worth it!  This is Casey.  She is my cousin, and quite the hottie if I must say so.  I'd love to say I can compete with her looks, but who am I kidding, eh?  LOL!  She is one of 12 cousins on my mom's side, and I've gotten to know her while working with horses, and photography!  The best of both my worlds ;)  

If you know of a girl graduating from an area High School, class of 2014, have them contact me to become a rep!  Great discounts, fun sessions, and extra photos.... what girl can resist that, huh? . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!