
Monday, October 29, 2012

Balkema : Family Love

These are my cousins.... or more accurately.... two of my cousin's kids.    After getting rained out last week, we rescheduled for a beautiful FRIGID day.  Considering the temperatures, the kids did great.  The oldest son, Jacob was very willing and helpful.  He was like my assistant the whole time, carrying my stuff around, and helping get the younger ones into position for the shots.  Thanks Jacob!  I was reminded of the challenge of getting 6 pairs of eyes to look at me, but all in all, we ended up with a great collection of images.  These are taken around their family property in Galesburg, MI.   I LOVE their old cars and a bunch of my cousin's super creative ideas for some of the shots.  Thanks guys!  Enjoy a few teasers!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!