
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween..... but now I have children and they can look so cute dressed up properly.  So this year's last minute costumes are : (drumroll please....)

My little bumble bee, Cadence at 11 months old.
My handsome Woody the Cowboy, Lex, at 2 1/2 years old

My knight in shining armor, Zeke at almost 5 years old.

We chose these outfits/costumes this morning, as we looked through our closets to see what we could do from last years stuff. :)  Have a safe and fun, and warm halloween.  If you have people coming to your doorstep, think of the great opportunity to share something about Jesus with all the children!  How cool if those looking for candy can find salvation through Jesus Christ!  Much more satisfying :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!