
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess Cade!

How the time has flown.... Cadence turned one today and I got to go back to those wonderful memories of RUSHING to the hospital yelling at Cadence to wait until we were there to make her appearance.  For all the police out there, I'm sorry, but the blue star tunnel saw speeds much beyond it's 25 mile an hour limit.  Cadence has been so much fun and we just love the personality that's starting to show.  Her eyebrows can raise individually in the strangest ways.  She loves to run away when I'm changing her diaper and makes me play tag to catch her.  She's cut 8 teeth and loves to chat away.  Papa great seems to make her cry by just looking at her, and she'll whack anyone in the face who tries to kiss her.  Her two big brothers love her and have been such big helps as she has grown over the last year.  Here is a quick recap of the last year :) We love you Cadence Ariella!

7 days old
 About 4 months old

 6 months old
  -3 weeks old

 4 days old . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!