
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Zeke! .....2 days late

Happy birthday to my 5 year old!!!!  I cannot believe how fast time has gone!  I suppose every parent says that, but I now understand what they mean when they say it.  5 years ago I was dealing with this terrible, colicky, miserable baby boy as my first child and pulling my hair out with frustration to keep him asleep or silent.  Now, today, I watch how wonderfully he helps his siblings and how sweet he can be when he helps with chores, and has started to learn how to walk and talk with God. 

 There is no sweeter thing then to hear you pray, Zeke.  Although many days are really tough, I'm so glad to have had 5 wonderful years with you, and am terrified to see you grow up, but also so very excited.  Love you my handsome buddy!

We did this session a few days before Zeke's Birthday. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!