
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

David { 3 Years Old }

David has been on this blog several times now, and it's been awesome to see him, and all other kids that I see as they grow!  He and my Lex share a birthday, and are only a few hours apart.   It's fun too, to see how kids in the same family are so different!!!  His brother Ezra still holds the record of EASIEST child to photograph.  At 2 or 3 years old, Ezra would make up poses, and tell me to take a picture of each pose.  David is more like most little boys.... on the run.  :)    We did a sort of mini session of each David and Selah, and still I came out with more images then I had expected...  I gotta work on that :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!