
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jackson { Miracle }

Welcome to the world, Jackson!  
This little guy looks IDENTICAL to his older brother, Hendrik!!!  Jackson is 13 days old here, around 7lbs, 10oz. and such a good baby.  This is the son of my cousin and his wife, from out of town.  She traveled over an hour, just her and her two little boys, for an infant session.  I give her the 'tough mommy' award for that.   I'm glad she did, because it was fun talking a bit about many of the views we had in common, and I was just itching to get a newborn in the studio again :)  Gotta have that newborn fix every now and then....   Keeps me from wanting anymore myself... I get to hold'em, love'em, photograph'em, and send'em home at night and get a full nights rest!  That's probably mean to all the sleep deprived new mommies reading this...  LOL!  Enjoy a few teasers of Jackson!  
This first one still makes me laugh.... you all might think, 'wow, what a beautiful sleep they fall into' or  'how does she get them to sleep through all those poses?'.... ha!  He's totally awake for this, and happened to blink and I caught it.  Yup, secret's out.... I'm not that good... I just learned how to catch a blink. ;)

  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!