
Thursday, August 22, 2013

No Excuses

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:20

I take this verse and understand it as the story of the rich man and Lazarus teaches. (Luke 16:19)  To sum up the story.... while on earth a rich man ignores helping a beggar named Lazarus.  After both die, the rich man receives life apart from God, (the Bible calls this Hell) and Lazarus is sent to Heaven.  The rich man calls out to Lazarus from his torment wanting just a drop of water to cool his tongue.  He asks if someone can go warn his family about what has happened to him so they don't follow him into Hell without a warning.  God tells him that he had a warning....  he sent His word (as we know as the Bible or the Law) and gave us the creation of his fingertips for us to walk, breath and live on, so all would know... so not one person could be without EXCUSE.  Since the Rich man realized he knew the Law, but didn't care to put any faith into it's reality, he sadly knows that his family on earth will ignore it too and follow him right into Hell.

I'm terrified by the story, because I know many who feel like the Rich man.  'It's too far-fetched', or "The Bible can't be true because men assembled it".  The fact is, God limited our brains of comprehension, and the things we can't figure out how they could be true or divine, are more true then the things you can see or touch here and now.  He didn't limit us to be cruel... he will proudly display all the things we can't comprehend now, to those who choose him.

This was amazing!  The storm rolled in and I was still wide awake at 11:30 pm last night.... I grabbed the camera, (Nikon D3s) so I could get a video....  After many attempts at a video failed, I thought I'll try some still shots, but figured I'd miss them all.  Had the camera turned on to sports action mode (11 shots per second) and waited with my finger on the battery.... probably feeling the battery drain as it's saying, just push me already!  My heart was pounding as I knew how quick I'd need to be to capture lightning.  After about 50 shots of pure blackness, I landed a few images that blew me away!  Our God is so amazing!  Our church did a short slideshow a while back showing how and why we fear the power of God... It showed the force of an earthquake, and the power in a tornado, and explained how these awesome displays of God's power are feared by us, because of sin.  How cool will it be when sin is no more, and these amazing power's won't be feared anymore?!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands". Ps 19:1
  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!