
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Anderson : Family Love

I love family sessions with small kids.... why?  Because they are predictably unpredictable, and a super fun challenge.  Kids can be so much fun.  There's meltdowns, shy looks, quick smiles, goofiness, and innocent comments.  This is a family from Holland, and I went to school with Brooke.  I absolutely love getting to know the spouses and kids of my past school mates.  It's kind of a great confirmation that we all survived High school and have moved on into great responsible and mature lives :)  LOL!  I think I just want THEM all to know that I finally have!  LOL!  Anyway, It's great to see how the Lord blesses each family, and how each family values their blessings.
 Well, enjoy a few teasers of an adorable young family. 
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!