
Monday, November 25, 2013

Engers : Just Waiting

After 3 pregnancies myself, I've known how a preggo lady can move, bend, sit, etc.  Well, this girl passed me up, because nothing was too hard, uncomfortable, or outside of the limits for her!  She was super optimistic and willing to try any and all of the ideas I laid forth.  It was a blast!!  Now, she's a photographer, and being so, I was totally nervous to shoot her maternity session.  I had to keep telling myself, 'You know what you're doing, just be confident and DO IT!'... lol!  Anyway, there really wasn't a reason to be nervous, because it all went great, and it will be fun getting to see them again just after the new year with a little baby bundle!  Congrats guys! Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!