
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Blystra : Sisters

This B-E-A-U-tiful group of sisters braved the winter storm warnings and came out to a winter wonderland for a photo shoot.  It was so pretty out, and even though our fingers, toes, and noses were all frozen, they were full of holiday cheer and just the simple happiness of being together for the holidays.  I've grown up knowing them all, and it's amazing to see where God's leading each of them as they all become adults.  Maybe their mom could say differently, but I was so pleased with how they all genuinely love each other, and were full of smiles no matter how cold it was, or how odd they thought my poses might be.  It was so serious fun! :)  Thanks girls!  It was fantastic to see you all again so soon after Katelyn's wedding!  I hope you have a great holiday season and stay safe with your travels and your adventures into 2014!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!