
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bob & Jen :: 1.25.2014

What a Day!  Bob and Jen picked a winter wedding for the beauty of the season...  And we got the storm of 2013-2014 winter that weekend!   I think the high of the day was about 19 degrees, and the wind was outrageous, as you'll see with some outdoor photo attempts :) LOL!  

But nevermind the weather, because this was a beautiful day to see 2 families joined by marriage.  Jen and her daughter Emory have been on this blog a few times before and I've known Jen since about 6th grade or so.  I even had her dad as my 8th grade teacher.... (poor guy). 

The wedding ended up being smaller due to awful traveling conditions, but the group that was able to make it was ready for the party!  The reception was probably one of the smaller ones the Trestle Stop has had to cater for, and yet their party was rockin' as they were dancing the night away!

Enjoy a few teasers from my first wedding shot in 2014!  Congrats Jen and Bob, Nick, Nate and Emory!

 Yeah, this is just up here for a laugh.... that wind was probably at about 2 degrees... maybe lower and it surprised us all with a great gust right before pictures..... It.Was.Cold.