
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Happy Birthday Mommy!

My kids love birthdays!   Even if it's not theirs... Cake and ice cream just calls to them and they lack any will-power to hold back from eating it like animals.... Yesterday was my birthday and I finally realized that I am probably outside of the age where I could at least 'pretend' I am still in my youth!  LOL!   I'm one of "those" adults/parents now.... 

-make healthier meals-'for the kids' lol
 -happy to be in bed early
-stay out of the mud (because I have to clean it up later!)
-keep the good candy out of sight so I don't have to share with little mouths.
-I've realized too that it might be time at ACTUALLY start exercising. 
-I learned how to crochet and actually obsessed over it for a while.
-excited over a great deal and/or second hand clothes
-looking forward to restocking my winter pantry again.... (how has that become exciting?)
-Seeing more and more how this world is only temporary, and eternal life is on it's way.... The good eternal life and the bad.....
-have become happy to be volunteering.... it's really not the 'chore' I remembered it as.

Where I'm still 'ME' of my youth....  
David still catches me getting hyped up over black smithing where ever I see something about it.
I'm still stubborn.
I still love warm/HOT weather!  
I love a movie that can make me laugh.
I still hate horror movies
I still see God most through nature out on our hobby farm.
I don't like to ask for help.
I still suck at driving . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!