
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Jack-O-Lanterns

So, I know Halloween is done, but I have a Halloween post yet....

Here's my Jack-O-Lanterns.... Zeke lost both front teeth this October, so it worked out great!  (I didn't need to knock them out for the sake of this post!) LOL.... Of course we always get around to these photoshoots after the pj's are on, so please excuse my kids always in their pajamas :)  I had to laugh at Lex's because his pumpkin was certainly too heavy for him, but he was tough and held it for about 2 seconds.... don't worry, it didn't smash in the studio... we were quick to help catch it.... although, I'm gonna have to check to make sure I didn't 'smash' my camera while going for the pumpkin :) LOL!  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!