
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

(Although research of the census may show December 25th isn't your real birthday, but possibly Mid-late September)

Merry Christmas 2014!  

May God Bless you this Holiday Season!  Of all the gifts given and received, NONE will come close to matching God's gift of eternal life sent to earth as the baby Jesus.  

Jesus wasn't born knowing all about God.  He learned everything about God through the written word and teachers of his day.  No different than you and I.  He developed a closeness to God that you and I can develop through time spent with Him in his word. 

Jesus is not a set of rules, or a 'goodie goodie' behavior.  
Jesus is the LOVE of God to walk among us, and to show us the true nature of God.  God is jealous for you... unwilling to share you with the devil and his angels.  His love for each individual on this earth is more than we can imagine.  He loves the 'unlovable', he wants the 'unwanted' and he forgives the 'unforgivable'.  He wants to KNOW you and invites you to the best opportunity EVERY.... to allow you to KNOW him.  

Give Him a chance this year, and I guarantee, your life will forever be changed.  Amen!
Enjoy our Christmas card this year!  We had a disastrous mess of fun creating it!  I'm glad to document our children's lives in a fun positive way each Wednesday, showing you a glimpse into the struggles, joys and laughter of our lives.   Merry Christmas, and a HAPPY new year! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!