
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wacky Williams : Lego ninjas

 My kids have all become super obsessed with Legos, and even more so, NINJAGO!  They know and have collected as much ninjago stuff as kids can.  My little girl, who couldn't name a single Disney princess, knows all the lego ninjas by name, color and weapon.... She can sing the song, and prefers to ninja kick her brothers when they all 'play fight'.  I figured, why not document this obsession with a Wacky Williams post, right?  Well, even for them to be 'pretend' ninja's, there was a fight about who would be who.... So, for those who are clueless about Ninjago, Lex is Zane (white ninja) Cade is Cole, (black ninja) and Zeke is Kai (red ninja)  and Zeke's latest creation of some sort of ninja mobile is in the background.  Goofy kids.  Love them to death, even if they think they are all ninjas. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!