
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Rocky

My boy Rocky, I mean, Lex....  Unfortunately, these injuries were real.... Back in November 2014 Lex ran face first into the children's stage at church, getting quite badly banged up.  I figured, I would love to document the injury, (as my parents always did.... come to find out, I must have been accident prone too... almost all my youth photos I'm bruised or bleeding... One actually made the Holland Sentinel Newspaper when I took a nose dive while dutch dancing in wooden shoes at 18 months old....) LOL!  
So, to make a long story a little longer.... I figured, why not document my young guy and show off his war injuries in a Wacky Williams post?  For all you worried about the nature of this post, my Happy-go-lucky-ninja-fighter boy, who recovered within the week of this injury, acted out a wink to try to get a 'Rocky' look... No permanent damage was done and my accident prone little guy is back on his feet to discover the next area to scare his folks.... Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!