
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wacky Williams : Tres Bandits

My trio has my love every day.  To watch them grow, discover, make mistakes, and ask new questions is the delight of my day.... God made a great match choosing this trio to be ours.  I guess that's no surprise knowing the divine nature of our Lord and Savior.   These three have nurtured me on my way to being more patient, seeing the error of my ways, and making me dig into the Bible as they ask me the hard life questions about Popp-up Kienard, Heaven, satan, Jesus on the Cross, and so on and so forth.  For that, I'm so blessed.

BUT.... with any parenting.... They can drive us crazy!  Some of our corrections aren't always valued by them... yet.  Sometimes I wonder as they get bigger.... is this what they are thinking? LOL!   Luckily they didn't wait for a train to be coming....!  ha ha.  Enjoy another Wacky Williams!