
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dozeman : Family Love

Another fellow High school alumni family was in my studio this weekend and I'm also proud to say she's my cousin.... well, 2nd, twice removed, on some side of someone's family.... lol!   It's been 2 years since I saw her because she moved out of the country... yes, not state... country. She and her family have been faithful to following where God calls and they have been called to lead a church in Canada.  On top of all that, they just added #4 to their family!!!  (ya, you'd never know it because she's still as thin as a rail... not fair...) Her kiddos are wonderful!  Not to mention their fourth is named after my first! LOL!  Totally NOT, but they have the same name, so I can pretend...  What fun we had... their kiddos are Fun, beautiful and well mannered... at least they were at the studio :)  What a blessing it was for me to get her call for family photos.  Enjoy some teasers of the Dozeman Family!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!