
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pike : Miracle

Sweet Baby Pike!  This little guy is the first born to a pastor and his wife from our church.  (It's a big church, so there are several pastors there).  He has been prayed for, waited for and adored, and he's only 7 days old.   I love the time I get to talk with parents during these sessions, and hear their stories, and their backgrounds, their goals, and desires,.... especially for their children.  Their attitude towards welcoming little Pike is astounding.  They are ready to sacrifice their goals, and dreams for this little one.  I remember his momma saying, 'We just can't stop staring at him!' SOOOOO true!  I remember studying my babies eyelashes, fingernails, lips, and just it never being enough.  What a miracle God brings to us every day, like the birth of a baby, and we look over it as though it's ordinary.  Pike's daddy mentioned something to me about, 'We've waited so long, to NOT be able to have a date night again', while knowing what a baby might cost them.  It got me thinking about my own attitude of parenting... I need to think more like that.  Children are gifts, and the mess they bring is just what God wants us to enjoy, not cringe and complain about.  SO, after my tangent, enjoy a few teasers of little baby Pike!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!