
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Emery : 1 year!

 Happy Birthday Emery!  This set of sisters came for Emery's 1 year photo session and rocked it!   Big sister Hailey was a little model in training, and enjoyed being in front of the camera.  She loves her baby sis sooooooo much!!!!  What cuties!  Hailey totally is a little image of her momma, and Emery looks sooooo much like her daddy!   In a few of the images, Emery is wearing a unique red headband.... It's story just melts my heart!  These girls lost their grandpa a few years back, and that headband is made from one of his ties.... I'm sure Emery will cherish that piece of her family history forever!  Enjoy a few teasers of Emery, with sister Hailey for the win! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!