
Friday, August 12, 2016

Olivia & Ava : Sister shoot

Olivia and Ava are the kiddos of one of my good High School friends!   Ashley has moved to Chicago for College and now married and living there right inside the big city!   I've spied on some of our past friends through instagram and such, but this was my first chance to meet the famous little ones!  We met at the Grand Haven State Park, which I can't really remember ever seeing the pier and lighthouse there in person before.  It was a nice warm and super sunny August day and the beach was a popular place!  Her kiddos are about 2 1/2 and 6 months, and were charmed by the sand, water, and everything beach.  Ashley, you have a beautiful family, and have remained a beautiful momma!  I'm excited to spy a little more and watch them grow... most likely, much taller than me.  LOL!  Enjoy a few teasers of these cuties! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!