
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wacky Williams : Happy 10th Anniversary!

Yay!!!  We have survived, loved and rocked our first 10 years of marriage!  August 26, 2006 was my day to get prettied up and promise a wonderful man the rest of my life.
 God has been so good to us, I feel so undeserving of the man he's given me.  I have 3 kids that rock my world, and have taught me more then I ever thought possible.  I have a farm house that meets all our needs, wants, and dreams.  I have a hubby that supports me in all my crazy ideas, calls me 'gorgeous' every day... (even when I think I look awful) and never goes a day without telling me how much he loves me.  I have a family that encourages us, and I live in a vacation city, full of resources and beauty.  I have a business that I LOVE, and clients that are amazing!  I get to see the sky, and stars with the darkness and wide open spaces of the country every day.

  To top it off, I have Grandparents that were willing to splash in their Amphi-car multiple times to get the perfect shot for my Wacky Williams Craziness, and let my trio drive it.  (haha... ok, not quite.)   Enjoy our Wacky Williams team of 5 :)