
Monday, August 8, 2016

Zach :: 2017

This young man impresses me.  Maybe it's Holland Michigan, maybe it's just a new generation, but for whatever reason, I've had the privilege of photographing some amazingly great, moral, kind and gentle young adults, who I know our world will be a better place because of this new generation.   I wonder how our world can seem to be getting messed up if these kids are being raised up to help make it beautiful again.  Well, that was a tangent.... now, on to Zach.  This kid is an amazing soccer player, great big brother, son, student, friend, worker, and person!  He was such a fun student to work with!  He could through out ideas, and poses, and soccer moves like no other :)   Enjoy a few teasers of Zach's senior session!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!