
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Carpenter : Family Love

Here's a family that we are growing to LOVE!  They are the wonderful family that we are proud to call our neighbors!  Joe and Tara and their adorable kiddos and pup are the neighbors we prayed God would lead to our flip house.  After 8 months of hard work on the flip house, and prayer for a young family who would appreciate the home for it's natural character and silly 'old home' flaws, this family came, filling every hope we could have possibly had for us as our new neighbors!! I was super excited to get to do a fall session for them, to get to know them a little more and to photograph their BEAUTIFUL children!!!  We squeezed in a mini session on a wonderful fall evening, and had excellent weather, and great attitudes from the kiddos!  Enjoy a few teasers from their mini session!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!